
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Checking Things off the Bucket List

Last week I pinned this picture on my Pinterest "bucket list" Board with the caption "some day I'll complete a half marathon"
For me to even suggest something that involved running on my "Bucket List" seems insane, however, the more I've been running with my Bel Inizio group and after Tough Mudder I thought, a half marathon could be attainable...maybe....some day. So I pinned the picture, shut down my computer and started getting ready for work.

Literally within 10 minutes of pinning it I received this text from my friend Fred:

I had already planned the weekend trip to Austin to cheer her on in HER half marathon - to stand on the sidelines and encourage her as she pushed herself to complete the 13.1 miles. I DID NOT have ANY intention AT ALL of running that weekend. In fact, I was really looking forward to a casual, relaxing, fun weekend in Austin and to celebrate her great accomplishment.

Well, after some back and forth text and several "encouraging" messages from her  - I finally decided, with a sigh - "why not?" So she set out to get me a bib and I was committed.

Saturday morning we went down to pick up our packets and I officially started freaking out, full-on panick attack. Not sure why, like she said, I had already done a Tough Mudder, and there were no expectations at all about time/speed, we were just gonna see what we could do, but I was still freaking out.

By Sunday morning I was a little excited. We got up early and drove to the capitol. It was a nice, beautiful chili morning.
We checked in and made our way to the starting line.
The thousands of people gathering together, ready to run was starting to get me pumped up as I tried to wrap my mind around how far I have come. As our wave of people moved toward the official start line - I could hear Willie Nelson's Whiskey River blaring through the speakers - only in Texas! That got me ever more pumped as Fred and I started our official first 1/2 Marathon.

Before I knew it, we were stopping for a water/restroom break at mile 4.

By mile 6 we were feeling good and stopped to take a quick picture:

Mile 8 and still feeling great. For the most part we kept a good steady slow running pace, only stopping to walk a little during the water stations or up few hills. 
Feeling GREAT at Mile 8!
We saw the Lululemon crew who had told me the day before that they would be at mile 12, so we knew that we only had one mile left to go! And Ugh - with one mile left to go, my leg started cramping. Every few minutes my calf would spasm - that was fun! I slowed down to stretch it a little but was determined to run through the finish line.

400m to go - that's a "warm-up" big deal!
We crossed the finish line, got our medals and celebrated that we just ran 13.1miles. And honestly, I was feeling great! Other than my spasm-ing calf muscle, I could have gone a few more miles...maybe ;)

We celebrated with some great music on the main stage, then headed out to eat a great post WOD meal, toasted our victory and then headed to Ginny's for some Chicken "poop" Bingo and more great music.

Our goal was to finish in 3hrs - we made it just under - 2hrs and 56mins

When I told Fred that I'd do the 1/2 with her, I thought I had officially gone crazy. I had a few people tell me it wasn't a good idea, a few others encourage me a little and others say "go for it." But then I thought to myself, that's what this whole "Life as Rx'd" thing is about. Trying new things, being crazy, living life to it's fullest, and taking the opportunities that are before you rather than making excuses. I could have made a million and one excuses to get out of it - and I thought of them all. But then why even put things one a bucket list that, when presented with the opportunity, I am going to make excuses to get out of it?  Now was as good of a time as any to run a half marathon.

There are so many things in life that people say they want to try or do, yet when they have the opportunity, they can come up with every excuse in the book. I used to be that way, but I am learning that I'd rather try and fail then be afraid to try at all. I don't want to live in fear and I don't want to regret that I did not take advantage of all the opportunities this amazing life has to offer.

What is it that you may be afraid to try? Hey, if this once over-weight, insecure, extremely fearful girl, can run a half marathon - YOU can do anything you set your mind to! TRY!! You won't regret it! I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Melanie here! I enjoyed this piece, please email me--I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com
